If you are a resident of the United Kingdom or if you currently hold a valid visa to enter the United Kingdom, United States, Canada or any European Union country, you DO NOT require a Tourist Visa to enter the Dominican Republic. If you currently hold a valid UK permanent residence, you will NOT be required a visa to enter the Dominican Republic for leisure purpose, if your trip is less than thirty (30) days.
Nationals of all other countries who are not in possession of a valid visa for the United Kingdom, United States, Canada or any European country, must obtain a tourist visa, for which they need to attend in person to a Dominican Consulate nearest to their place of residence.
At the moment, we currently not emiting visas in the consulate section at this Embassy, please refer to the dominican consulate in Paris by clicking on the following link: https://www.consuladodominicanoparis.com/visas
If you have any doubts you could enter the following web page for further information: https://mirex.gob.do/consulta-de-requisitos/
If you still have a querie please write us an email at: consulate@dominicanembassy.org.uk